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IFI Kickoff Meeting

Tuesday 24 November 2020

IFI Kick-off Meeting was held for 3 straight days in which we got to know each of the partners, work packages and much more.
Below, you can find the PowerPoint presentations of each institution and work package, zoom recording of the 2 lectures we had, and more.


MTA Introduction

SAP Introduction

KCE Introduction

BEZ Introduction

HUJI Introduction

THC Introduction

NUIS Introduction

EFMD Introduction

UHEI Introduction

UD Introduction

RSM Introduction

UniPD Introduction

EBS Introduction

WP1 #1 Introduction

WP 2# Introduction

WP 3# Introduction

WP 4# Introduction

WP 5# Introduction

WP 6# Introduction

WP 7# Introduction

WP 8# Introductionv

WP 9# Introduction

IFI Financial & Administrative

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